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Embracing the Upright - A Case Against Reading Reversals

January 20, 2025 by
Embracing the Upright - A Case Against Reading Reversals
Terrell Ghosts, Laurie Blair
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Embracing Upright Tarot: The Case Against Reversals

In the world of tarot reading, the use of reversals—cards that appear upside down in a spread—has long been a topic of debate. While some readers find reversals to be an essential part of their practice, others choose to read only upright cards. Here’s why some tarot enthusiasts prefer to keep their cards right-side up.

Simplicity and Clarity

One of the main reasons for not using reversals is the desire for simplicity and clarity. Tarot readings can already be complex, with each card carrying multiple layers of meaning. Adding reversals into the mix can sometimes lead to confusion and overwhelm, especially for beginners. By focusing solely on upright cards, readers can provide clear and straightforward interpretations1.

Depth Without Reversals

Contrary to the belief that reversals add necessary depth, many readers find that upright cards alone offer ample insight. Each tarot card has a rich spectrum of meanings that can be adapted to various contexts. Skilled readers can delve deeply into these meanings without needing to rely on reversals2.

Consistency in Readings

Using only upright cards can also bring consistency to readings. When cards are always interpreted in their upright positions, it eliminates the variability that reversals introduce. This consistency can help build confidence in both the reader and the querent, fostering a more stable and reliable reading experience3.

Intuitive Flexibility

Some readers argue that not using reversals allows for greater intuitive flexibility. Instead of being bound by the additional rules and interpretations that reversals require, readers can rely more on their intuition and the overall energy of the spread. This approach encourages a more fluid and personalized reading style4.

Final Thoughts

Choosing not to use reversals in tarot readings is a valid and respected approach. It simplifies the reading process, maintains clarity, and allows for deep, intuitive insights. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or just starting out, embracing upright tarot can lead to meaningful and impactful readings.

Happy reading! 🌟

Embracing the Upright - A Case Against Reading Reversals
Terrell Ghosts, Laurie Blair January 20, 2025
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